Increasing Blog Traffic & Trial Conversion Rate with High Quality Content
Status Hero is a work communication tool that replaces time-consuming meetings and other interruptions with tidy reports.
Status Hero partnered with Draft.dev to create high-quality content that would increase top-of-funnel traffic and improve its trial conversion rate. The benefits of this collaboration are clear:
- A 211% increase in blog visitors
- 50X growth in Medium audience
- 40 hours saved per week
We talked to Henry Poydar, the Founder and CEO to learn more about this successful partnership.
Q: What internal content challenges led you to work with Draft.dev?
HENRY: We’re a small company and everybody wears many hats. My team is capable of producing awesome content, and we tried publishing content on our own, but we couldn’t do it consistently because we didn’t have enough bandwidth.
That’s why we reached out to Draft.dev, they came in and everything has been fantastic.
Q: What were your goals for the content that you wanted Draft.dev to create?
HENRY: Status Hero’s goal was to create content that would generate top-of-funnel traffic. We wanted to create content that would attract new customers and retain existing customers. Ultimately we wanted to grow the number of trial users and increase our trial conversion rate.
Q: Did you have specific requirements that the content and Draft.dev needed to meet?
HENRY: We wanted to create helpful content that would resonate with our audience. We didn’t want pure SEO-based articles created by non-technical writers. Those articles might attract SEO juice but they won’t resonate with our audience because our audience can see right through them.
Q: Had you tried other solutions before working with Draft.dev?
HENRY: We hadn’t worked with Draft.dev’s direct competitors but we had worked with writers and tried creating content in-house.
Q: Did you experience any challenges?
HENRY: One of the challenges that arise when you work with writers is that you end up with posts that are in one person’s voice. If we were to do this internally, there would be a person that would do it on their own, which is what we did before. That person is always going to write from their voice and our blog would have one perspective.
Q: What process did you follow when you started working with Draft.dev?
HENRY: Draft.dev started with a discovery process where they tried to uncover the core of our content goals. The team helped us hone in on what our audience cares about, and used that to build topic clusters that would address those needs. That’s where their expertise was useful because we didn’t want pure keyword content.
Q: What happened after the initial strategy session?
HENRY: Draft.dev helped us with keyword planning for SEO purposes. Next, they sourced the writers and they got the articles written. We edited the articles together and then we slotted them for publishing.
Q: What did you think of Draft.dev’s writers?
HENRY: I like the fact that Draft.dev’s writers are industry insiders. I’m also happy that Draft.dev gives us access to different writers from different backgrounds because it helps us create diverse content which improves the quality of the content on our blog,
Q: Were you able to generate more top-of-the-funnel traffic with Draft.dev?
HENRY: Yes. Our audience has doubled between October and March. We had around 4,500 visitors in March according to Google Analytics on our marketing pages. The number has grown to 9,500.
Additionally, we syndicate our content on Medium and our content has grown 50X. The graph looks like a hockey stick, it’s amazing.
Q: Are there any specific articles that performed well on Google Search rankings?
HENRY: Yes. If you go to Google right now and type in ‘too many meetings’ into Google.com, our article that we created together with Draft.dev comes up first.
Q: Have you experienced any growth in the number of your trial users and in your trial conversion rate?
HENRY: Yes. I don’t think we would have the growth that we’ve had in trial users and conversions without the audience that we’ve gained through the content marketing we’ve done with Draft.dev.
Q: How much time does working with Draft.dev save you?
HENRY: They save us the time that a full-time writer would use to create content. About 40-hours a week. They also save us multiple thousands of dollars every week.
Q: What have these time savings allowed you to do?
HENRY: It allows us to concentrate on building a better product for our customers. We’ve also raised $3 Million in investor funding. Raising money is a big investment of time and effort. Knowing that our content engine was still cranking along in the background made the process easier.
Q: What would you say to companies that build software products for a technical audience about working with Draft.dev?
HENRY: Draft.dev has helped us create high-quality content that resonates with our audience on a regular basis. They have helped us double our audience, attract more trial users, and increase our trial conversion rate.
Subject Matter Expert Writers. Proven results.
If you’d like to know more about how content can help grow your blog and increase your conversion rates, schedule a call with us.

Looking for content designed to reach software developers?
We create blog posts and tutorials designed to reach software developers, data engineers, engineering managers, and technologists. Book a call to learn more about Draft.dev today.